
In our developing world, all kinds of comfort and luxury are offered to people, and men and women are seeking ways to defy the years by looking good. We all make an effort to fulfil our aesthetic pleasures, looking for establish our own style in clothing, personal care, and lifestyle.

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a type of plastic surgery performed on the nose for reshaping. Primary purpose of rhinoplasty is to reform the nose in conformity with the facial structure and to fix any functional malfunction present.

Applications of Rhinoplasty

Apart from reconstruction and reshaping of the nose in rhinoplasty, breathing problems are also resolved without any fractures or tampon. The main objective in rhinoplasty operations is reshaping the nose in a way which it fits with each and every parts in the face, looks natural and as at patient’s pleasure, and eliminates any breathing problems. Nasal hump can be fixed; tip of the nose can be elevated, lifted down, or made thinner; and size of the nostrils can be reduced upon request.

Before the operation, which kind of changes are wanted and needed are decided by the patient and Doctor SARI. Furthermore, 3D simulation and modeling of the premeditated nose is shown before the operation.

Choosing Your Physician

Knowledge, experience, and skills of physicians are obviously very crucial in rhinoplasty. In addition to those, physicians must be able to understand what exactly their patient’s discomfort is and how kind of a nose he/she wants to have.

Foreseeing the ‘reconstructed nose’ on the patient’s face and describing the best fit nose to the patient in an electronic environment with visuals and 3D designs are also really important. Therefore, finding a doctor who knows your dreams and is capable of putting those into practice with talent and experience will solve the problems.

Rhinoplasty Without Buffer and Painless Recovery Period

In past buffers/tampons were used to prevent intranasal bleeding. However, those buffers were also blocking breathing and many patients were having troubles when removing those buffers. Nevertheless, Doctor SARI has been using another intranasal method which provides normal breathing and comfort in healing period for 14 years.

As opposed to popular belief, rhinoplasty is not a difficult operation for the patients. There will only be some swelling and redness beneath the patient’s eyes which will recover in a week depending on the skin type.

During and Post-Operation

Age limit in rhinoplasty is accepted throughout the world 16 in females, and 17 in males. General anesthesia and local anesthesia can be both performed in rhinoplasty, but Doctor SARI prefers performing the operation with general anesthesia (a state of unconsciousness with the absence of pain sensation over the entire body). It usually takes 2 hours depending on the operation type. No signs of pain or permanent scar are seen after the operation.

Naturalness in Rhinoplasty

Cosmetic surgeries are often-heard operations that most people ask for. Although reasons behind it might be discussed, according to Doctor SARI people want to undergo a cosmetic operation to feel more free, confident, and pleased.

Rhinoplasty is among one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries. Nowadays noses which are compatible with people’s faces, looking nice and natural -no signs of operation- are becoming more preferable. By having a unique-looking nose, your breathing will also be facilitated and you will feel more comfortable in daily life.

Naturalness in rhinoplasty provides noses with symmetry and smoothness. Doctor SARI thinks everyone has a unique face and therefore people should have their noses custom designed. Moreover by using modern techniques without any fractures, bleeding, or scars; any reconstructed nose can look natural and good at the same time. A natural and unique nose would uncover the facial expressions and the meanings in glances.

Can rhinoplasty is performed in summer? How many days do the patients from abroad need to stay in Turkey?

For my patients who live abroad, I prefer examine them one day before their surgeries and complete designing their reconstructed noses. They should also stay in the hospital in the night of the surgery.

Moreover I will be keeping track of my patients for first 5 days and that’s why I need them to stay at least for 6 days in Turkey. In addition to this, you cannot wear any kind of glasses for a couple of months and use high protective suntan lotion. Those two reminders will let you have the operation whenever you’d like.

My foreign patients usually visit Istanbul in summertime both for a vacation and the operation. I suggest using a stetson/sunbonnet, thus being protected from solar radiation. Therefore there is no thing like ‘an operation cannot be done in summertime’, as long as you protect yourself you can have a healthy recovery period.

A Message from Operator Doctor SAVAS SARI, MD

Becoming beautiful and looking good have been one of the most irreplaceable wishes of people ever since the existence. In a world full of new technologies which were seen to be beyond imagination, my fundamental principle is to show regard to requests of my patients and try to make their dreams come true.

SAVAŞ SARI, MDEar Nose and Throat (ENT) and Rhinoplasty Specialist

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